1/ Introduction to Cordyceps

Cordyceps is a genus of parasitic fungi that grow on the larvae of insects. When these parasitic fungi attack the host, they replace the tissue and sprout long, slender stems extending outside the host’s body. (1)

The remains of insects and fungi have been hand-picked, dried, and used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries to treat fatigue, illness, or kidney-boosting to improve low sex drive. Supplements and products containing Cordyceps extract are becoming increasingly popular due to their many health benefits. (1)

Of the more than 400 species of Cordyceps found, two have become the focus of health research: Cordyceps sinensis and Cordyceps militaris. (1)

Photo: Cordyceps sinensis

2/ The value of traditional medicinal herbs – Cordyceps from the perspective of modern medicine

Not only is it a long-standing medicinal ingredient of Traditional Oriental Medicine, but in modern medicine, Cordyceps also contains many valuable active ingredients that have the role of promoting health and supporting the treatment of many different diseases such as:: Cordycepin, Adenosine, protein, fat, essential amino acids. In addition, this medicinal herb also contains many vitamins (B1, B2, B12, E, and K) and minerals (iron, calcium, magnesium, and zinc) that are good for human health. (2)

The most prominent are the two active ingredients: Adenosine and Cordycepin:

  • Adenosine helps improve sleep quality, improves blood circulation to the heart, and prevents the formation of blood clots and myocardial ischemia. (3)
  • Cordycepin has anti-cancer, and anti-microbial effects, preventing cancer cells from metastasizing or regenerating; Antibacterial-Clostridium supports the treatment of intestinal diseases exceptionally effectively. In addition, this type of compound in Cordyceps can also prevent type 2 diabetes genes from developing, helping to support the treatment of diabetes. (3)

3/ The benefits of Cordyceps in the treatment of COVID-19 and Post-COVID-19

  • Benefits of Cordyceps in the treatment of COVID-19

When attacked by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the immune system and organs such as the lungs and heart are impaired in function, causing respiratory symptoms and increasing the severity of background diseases. (6)

Cordyceps with the function of cleaning the lungs, regenerating cells, and enhancing lung function, supplementing necessary nutrients for the body. As a result, it helps to improve symptoms of Covid such as cough, shortness of breath, and headache. (6)

In addition, the results from recent studies show the great potential of this precious medicinal herb in supporting the treatment of patients with Covid-19:

– Research results published in 2020 show that based on strong molecular interactions of active ingredient cordycepin in Cordyceps with spike protein and main protease enzymes of SARS-CoV-2 virus; showed that this active ingredient has a high potential in inhibiting the entry and replication of viruses into the host body. Besides, the active ingredient Cordycepin in Cordyceps also has outstanding health benefits such as protecting the liver, kidney, cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous, and immune systems; besides anti-cancer activity, Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-microbial also aid in treatment as these are the major tissues affected by COVID-19 in the post-infection period. (7)

– Many other studies on fermented Cordyceps powder, including a new study published in 2020, also show that in patients with abnormal cardiopulmonary function during COVID-19 recovery. When used alone or in combination with the inhaled tiotropium bromide inhaler, Fermented Cordyceps Powder Tablets can significantly improve pulmonary dysfunction due to obstructive pulmonary disease and improve patient immunity. (8)

  • The benefits of Cordyceps to help patients recover from COVID-19

In addition to the benefits in supporting the treatment of COVID-19, Cordyceps is also one of the precious medicines in traditional medicine that has a nourishing effect, increasing health, especially helping people after being infected with COVID-19 from symptoms such as lethargy and fatigue. (4)

The content of Cordycepin in Cordyceps shows immunomodulatory effects, enhancing the immune system when it becomes weak and inhibiting it when overreacting. This use is perfect for the respiratory system and effectively prevents viral infections. (5)

With the post-COVID-19 syndrome, it is necessary to focus on improving symptoms while at the same time nourishing from the inside, improving immunity. Meanwhile, Cordyceps has been used for thousands of years to treat respiratory diseases, helping to relieve coughs, loosen phlegm, and restore lungs. At the same time, it also helps to stimulate the digestive system, helps to eat well, sleep easily, purify the liver, is good for the heart and kidney, anti-depressant and sedative. (5)

However, it is not possible to rely on using only Cordyceps. Patients need to combine better nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, and breathing exercises to restore lung function. And if necessary, still maintain treatment of symptoms as prescribed by the doctor. (5)



(2) Syed Amir Ashraf et al. Cordycepin for Health and Wellbeing: A Potent Bioactive Metabolite of an Entomopathogenic Medicinal Fungus Cordyceps with Its Nutraceutical and Therapeutic Potential. Molecules. 2020 Jun; 25(12): 2735





(7) Verma AK. Cordycepin: a bioactive metabolite of Cordyceps militaris and polyadenylation inhibitor with therapeutic potential against COVID-19. J Biomol Struct Dyn. 2022;40(8):3745-3752. doi:10.1080/07391102.2020.1850352

(8) An, X., Duan, L., Zhang, Y.H. et al. The three syndromes and six Chinese patent medicine study during the recovery phase of COVID-19. Chin Med 1644 (2021).


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