Health and Wellness

The Four Good Supplements to Boost Your Immune System

Your immune system consists of a complex collection of cells, processes, and chemicals that constantly defends your body against invading pathogens, including viruses, toxins, and bacteria. Keeping your immune system healthy year-round is key to preventing infection and disease. Making healthy lifestyle choices by consuming nutritious foods and getting enough sleep and exercise are the […]

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Connection Between Mental and Physical Health

Mental and physical health are fundamentally linked. There are multiple associations between mental health and chronic physical conditions that significantly impact people’s quality of life, demands on health care and other publicly funded services, and generate consequences to society.  The World Health Organization (WHO) defines: health as a state of complete physical, mental and social […]

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6 Tips To Keep Healthy In Winter Days

In winter, the temperature starts to drop so there is a greater tendency to stay indoors where it is warm, be less active and eat comfort foods. These habits can  bring increased risks of illness, so here are some tips for you to stay healthy, prevent diseases for yourself and your family in this winter. […]

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7 Proven Health Benefits of Ginseng

Ginseng has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. This slow-growing, short plant with fleshy roots can be classified three ways, depending on how long it is grown: fresh, white or red. Fresh ginseng is harvested before 4 years, while white ginseng is harvested between 4–6 years and red ginseng is harvested after 6 […]

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Effects of Cordyceps sinensis on reducing fatigue

Fatigue is the symptom of tiredness caused by physical and/or psychological stresses. For physical weakness, the individuals engaged in vigorous activities or laborious jobs may experience reduced efficiency and capacity for work. For psychological weakness, people with depression or sleep disorders may have the sense of weariness, exhaustion, and lack of motivation. As fatigue is […]

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Caring For Health During Cold Weather

Cold temperatures of winter, along with winds or rain can cause serious health problems, especially for the health of the elderly and those who have weak immune systems. Understanding common health problems that can happen in cold season and protect your body from them will not only help you prevent infections but also prevent pre-existing […]

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Health Benefits of Cordyceps Sinesis
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